Margaret Saizan of Beyond Katrina contributed to the Baton Rouge City Report of Appleseed's, A Continuing Storm-- The On-Going Struggles of Hurricane Katrina Evacuees
Letter from Farge & Benson, which led the research effort:
Attached please find "A Continuing Storm-- The On-Going Struggles of Hurricane Katrina Evacuees", a report released by Appleseed on August 14, 2006. This study was researched and drafted earlier this year by a consortium of national law firms working with Appleseed.
I am writing to thank you for your cooperation and assistance in agreeing to be interviewed for this project. Had you not taken the time to meet with members of our law firm's team, we would not have been able to understand and report on the challenges your city faced in the days and weeks immediately following Katrina, and on the ongoing challenges of caring for evacuees who have not yet returned home. The information and insights you provided to us have enriched our report.
This final report includes a only summary of our much longer, more detailed report on Baton Rouge, which can be found in its entirety at
If you click on the Hurricane Katrina Report, you will be able drop down to the individual city reports.
Thank you again for your kind assistance on this project.
Faegre & Benson LLP
2200 Wells Fargo Center
90 South Seventh Street
Minneapolis, MN 55402-3901
612-766-7778 / FAX 612-766-1600