I am working on a Katrina/Rita related program or event for a Foreign Media Tour of Houston, Texas ---March 5-7. The theme is how Americans view health care, the economy, and immigration in an election year. Since Houston is a major gulf coast city that has also been impacted by the hurricanes of 2005, there may be room in the schedule for a Katrina/Rita related program. If you are a Katrina survivor who has relocated to Houston, or an individual or group working on behalf of Hurricane Katrina recovery issues, I would like to speak with you regarding ideas for this event. This is a great opportunity to support the cause - i.e. to brief the foreign media and help them better understand issues and challenges related to ongoing gulf coast hurricane issues as well as recovery and rebuilding efforts post-Katrina. If you have an interesting idea or contribution to make towards this endeavor, please contact me at [email protected].
Margaret Saizan
Beyond Katrina: The Voice of Hurricane & Disaster Recovery
help foreign political reporters better understand the role of local and state
governments, parties, and lobbying organizations in U.S. elections. To deepen
the reporters’ understanding of the 2008 contest, the tour will also focus on
key issues that both parties and all candidates are debating: the economy,
immigration, and health care.
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