Katrina 3rd Anniversary Events
hosts premiere screening of documentary “The Katrina Myth: the Truth
About a Thoroughly Unnatural Disaster," produced by FoodMusicJustice.org
Free admission
Thursday, August 28
Touro Synagogue, 4238 St. Charles Avenue
6:30pm - Cocktails & hors d'oeuvres with live jazz band "Some Like It Hot"
7:30-8:30pm Presentation and premiere of 10-minute documentary and after-show discussion
“Days of Hope” at Louisiana Children’s Museum
commemoration of the third anniversary on Friday, August 29 and
Saturday, August 30 is designed to inspire hope for the future and give
children a voice for their own thoughts about what lies ahead.
National experts in child learning will visit the museum, including national children’s television producer Alice Wilder (Super Why!, Blue’s Clues)
who will lead writer’s circle workshops in the Mister Rogers’
Neighborhood exhibit. Children and families can write their own story
in a brand new book, illustrated by prominent local artist Katie
Megan Lambert, Instructor of Children’s
Literature Programs for The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art in
Amherst, MA, will provide special story times using The Carle’s
inquiry-based model, The Whole Book Approach.
Inspired by the world-renowned Eric Carle book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, butterflies of all shapes and sizes will be crafted and suspended in the three story atrium, creating a dramatic display.
Also on display during Days of Hope are several exhibits of children’s
work including the Doors of Hope, a gift from the youth of New York to
the youth of New Orleans through the public arts organization CITYarts
in New York. Memory boxes, journals and urban planning designs from
students at MLK Jr. Charter School also will be on display.
of Hope programming is 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Friday, August 29 and
Saturday, August 30. The Museum is open on those days from 9:30 a.m. to
5:00 p.m. and is located at 420 Julia Street.
Worship Service
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, 5800 Canal Boulevard
Service will include debut of a new book called The Essence of Grace.
On August 29 at 7:00pm, the church will unveil the debut of a book that
tells the stories of 17 faith-filled people of the Grace community
coming home to New Orleans in the aftermath of Katrina, and the grace
they experienced that has given them healing and hope.
The evening is being billed as "The Essence of Grace: An Evening of
Healing and Hope." The book was created as a way of giving thanks to
God for all the members, partners, supporters and volunteers who helped
rebuild the congregation and community.
more information, contact Caitlin Moen, the editor of the book, and
Grace's Coordinator for Community Development at
[email protected] or 651-276-1676; or Pastor Leon Philpot at
[email protected] or 218-779-8566.
Katrina Memorial Display at Immaculate Conception (Jesuits) Church, Baronne Street
August 23-24 and continuing through Labor Day weekend, an interactive
display will be placed at the entrance to the church, which remains
open from 6:30 AM until 5:30 PM daily. The display will invite the
public to post notes, photos, and prayers related to their Katrina
experiences. The display will also allow individuals to deposit
specific prayers and petitions, which will be remembered throughout the
week at the church’s various Masses. For more information, contact the
parish office at (504) 529-1477.
Katrina Anniversary Mass – St. Louis Cathedral
Orleans Archbishop Alfred C. Hughes will celebrate the 7:30 am Mass at
St. Louis Cathedral on Friday, August 29 to commemorate the 3rd
Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina
Mass for Hope and Healing - Immaculate Conception (Jesuits) Church, Baronne St., New Orleans
On Friday, August 29,
the noon Mass at Immaculate Conception Jesuit Church will be offered as
a Mass for Hope and Healing. Prayers, readings, and music have been
specially selected for the occasion, and priests will be available for
a communal celebration of anointing for anyone still suffering from
physical, spiritual, or emotional distress. Complimentary parking will
be available for the event at the old Chevron building parking garage
on Common Street. Call 504-529-1477 for more information.
Katrina Memorial Interfaith Service
Friday, August 29
7:00 p.m.
Temple Sinai, corner of Calhoun and St. Charles Ave., New Orleans
Archbishop Alfred Hughes will join with religious leaders
from Protestant Christian, Greek Orthodox, Jewish, Muslim, and Sihk
faiths to recall the tragedies of Hurricane Katrina and celebrate the
accomplishments of the community as it continues to rebuild. People of
all faiths are invited to attend.
Eastern New Orleans Candlelight Vigil & Day of Remembrance
Thursday, August 28
7:00 p.m.
On the Levee at 9630 Hayne Blvd.
Jazz Funeral
Friday, August 29
8:00 a.m.
Begins at corner of Canal St. & Carrollton Ave., ending at Charity Hospital Cemetery on Canal at City Park Ave.
Wreath-Laying at Algiers Ferry Landing
Friday, August 29
9:00 a.m.
Bell-Ringing Ceremony
Friday, August 29
9:38 a.m.
Charity Hospital Cemetery, Canal St. at City Park Ave.
Katrina III: Stories of Helping and Hope
Friday, August 29
7 p.m.
Loyola University
The heroic events directly following Hurricane Katrina will be
celebrated at Loyola University New Orleans during an anniversary
program called, Katrina III: Stories of Helping and Hope. The program
will feature the courageous story of and an appearance by Molly the
Pony; the uplifting sounds of Shades of Praise gospel choir; and heroic
stories of first responders including Joe Cull, McFarland Institute
Chaplain assigned to counsel the New Orleans Police Department in the
days immediately following Katrina. Katrina III: Stories of Helping
and Hope takes place Friday, August 29, at 7 p.m., in Roussel
Performance Hall on Loyola’s main campus. Admission is free and open
to the public. For more information, contact the Office of Public
Affairs at [email protected] or call (504) 861-5882.
Katrina Memorial Mass - St. Lawrence the Martyr Church, Metairie
Lawrence the Martyr, 2505 Maine Avenue, will host a memorial Mass on
Friday, August 29 at 9 a.m. commemorating the third anniversary of
Hurricane Katrina.
Prayer Service of Remembrance and Hope - St. Catherine of Siena Church, Metairie Road & Bonnabel Blvd.
Friday, August 29
7:00 p.m.
the evening of August 29, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. St. Catherine of Siena
Church will celebrate a Holy Hour in remembrance of the storms of three
years ago. The Eucharist will be brought to the main altar of the
church from our Perpetual Adoration Chapel, The Chapel of the Holy
Innocents. The setting for our prayers that evening will be Exposition
and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
Call 504-835-9343 for more information.
“First Parish Hit – The First Parish to Recover” anniversary events
Friday, August 29
Roger Halphern Memorial Park (Rex Field)
35410 Highway 11
Belle Chasse Auditorium
8398 Highway 11
Belle Chasse
Events will include:
Recognition of those who aided in the recovery: FEMA, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, LRA, Plaquemines businesses and more.
Unveiling of Plaquemines Parish new Community Centers
Recognition of the completed work: Debris clean-up, canals, drains, parish buildings & more.
Friday August 29
Our Lady of Prompt Succor Church, 2320 Paris Road in Chalmette, will
observe the third anniversary with a reunion/memorial Mass at 7:30 a.m.
celebrated by the Most Reverend Shelton J. Fabre, an Auxiliary Bishop
of the Archdiocese of New Orleans. Refreshments will be served in the
school gym immediately following the Mass, sponsored by the Archbishop
Janssen Knights of Columbus 3068.
The St. Bernard School Board will hold its third annual Day of
Reflection Breakfast at 8:30 a.m. in the Chalmette High School
Gymnasium at 1100 E. Judge Perez Drive in Chalmette. This year’s theme
is “Be Somebody’s Hero.” The event is open to the public. Tickets cost
$5 per person and must be purchased in advance. For information or
tickets, call 301-2000 or go to the School Board Administration Office
at 200 E. St. Bernard Highway in Chalmette.
St. Bernard Parish Government will hold a Katrina Commemorative Service
at 11 a.m. at Shell Beach where officials will rededicate the Katrina
Monument and unveil a corrected and updated list of victims' names.
The memorial site on the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet will now have
the names of 163 St. Bernard Parish victims of Hurricane Katrina who
died as a result of the storm, whether it was during the actual event
or because of the evacuation. The newly engraved monument includes
about 20 more names and corrected spellings for several of the
initially listed victims. A few names were removed because the people
originally were listed as missing, but they indeed survived.
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